Multiple Environments

Run any environment locally. Create a `.env.ENVIRONMENT` file and use `-f` to load it. It's straightforward, yet flexible.


$ echo "HELLO=production" > .env.production 
$ echo "console.log('Hello ' + process.env.HELLO)" > index.js

$ dotenvx run -f=.env.production -- node index.js
Hello production
> ^^

--env-file (multiple)

$ echo "HELLO=local" > .env.local
$ echo "HELLO=World" > .env
$ echo "console.log('Hello ' + process.env.HELLO)" > index.js

$ dotenvx run -f=.env.local -f=.env -- node index.js
Hello local

The order matters. The first -f will 'win' for an environment variable. You can use --overload if you prefer the last to 'win'.



$ echo "HELLO=local" > .env.local
$ echo "HELLO=World" > .env
$ echo "console.log('Hello ' + process.env.HELLO)" > index.js

$ dotenvx run -f=.env.local -f=.env --overload -- node index.js
Hello World

Keep in mind that --overload will also overload any environment variables already set on your machine or server. Use --verbose to get better visibility into this.



$ echo "HELLO=production" > .env.production
$ echo "console.log('Hello ' + process.env.HELLO)" > index.js

$ dotenvx run -f=.env.production --verbose -- node index.js
[dotenvx][verbose] loading env from /path/to/.env.production
[dotenvx][verbose] HELLO set
[dotenvx][info] loading env (1) from .env.production
Hello production

If you also want to see the secret value being set, use --debug.



$ echo "HELLO=production" > .env.production
$ echo "console.log('Hello ' + process.env.HELLO)" > index.js

$ dotenvx run -f=.env.production --debug -- node index.js
[dotenvx][debug] configuring options
[dotenvx][debug] {"envFile":[".env.production"]}
[dotenvx][verbose] loading env from /path/to/.env.production
[dotenvx][debug] reading env from /path/to/.env.production
[dotenvx][debug] parsing env from /path/to/.env.production
[dotenvx][debug] {"HELLO":"production"}
[dotenvx][debug] writing env from /path/to/.env.production
[dotenvx][verbose] HELLO set
[dotenvx][debug] HELLO set to production
[dotenvx][info] loading env (1) from .env.production
Hello production

Be careful with --debug as this will leak your secrets out to your logs unless you've configured your logs to avoid it.